This affects us all

Once again context matters, it appears there are about 1600 personnel on the ship. So 100 infected personnel would be less than 10% of the crew. Also, all cases are mild. If anything, it proves the vaccine works if the case count doesn't increase.
LOL! This is coming from the guy who says a trip to the emergency room, but not requiring admittance, is a success story for the vax.

So, in a fully vaccinated environment, ~6-7 percent of the young and fit crew (plus a few career types) got sick from a disease for which they had been vaccinated. That is horrible.
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Once again context matters, it appears there are about 1600 personnel on the ship. So 100 infected personnel would be less than 10% of the crew. Also, all cases are mild. If anything, it proves the vaccine works if the case count doesn't increase.
Don't try to explain the obvious to them. They have an agenda to try to support.
Once again context matters, it appears there are about 1600 personnel on the ship. So 100 infected personnel would be less than 10% of the crew. Also, all cases are mild. If anything, it proves the vaccine works if the case count doesn't increase.

I’m not disagreeing with you, but this does make me curious.

What was the infection and hospital rate on these ships before vaccination? I’d imagine really low, considering it was made up of healthy young men and women.

Context does matter. I’d be curious to know the numbers on ships like this prior to the vaccine.
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Seatbelts is the best analogy I've heard. Wearing one doesn't guarantee you will not get injured, it just helps a lot. Vaccines, particularly covid ones, are sometimes getting beaten by Delta and whatever variant is on the horizon but they are a lot better than not wearing the seat belt. Here is just one credible source. (ps. NO to vaccine mandates. It is possible to be OK with the vaccine and against mandates.)

One thing with the seatbelt analogy is this:
Do I have a 99.5% chance of surviving a car accident without wearing a seatbelt? What if I’m immune to injuries caused by a car accident?
Car accidents vary greatly in severity and a fender bender poses zero risk of injury. Covid infections vary greatly in severity and for the vast majority, pose practically zero risk of hospitalization or death.
Don't try to explain the obvious to them. They have an agenda to try to support.

There is nothing to explain to us. Now, you, you need it explained.

Here goes another failed attempt to drill through granite.

A ship of 1600 young and healthy fighting men and women was vaccinated against a disease at a rate of 100 percent. Yet, this disease infected and sickened triple digits on the ship. It's kind of like a bullet proof vest designed to stop certain bullets working 15 times out of 16. That is a bit like playing BIden (Russian) Roulette.

Further, this disease not only gets the protected, the protected are able to transmit it to the protected. What a great controlled experiment. So, the vaccine either works a little bit, not at all, or makes people more susceptible to getting COVID.

Conclusion: Your NAZI ways of forcibly injecting all Americans wouldn't stop crap. This beautiful controlled experiment is proof of that. So, go get your boosters every 3-6 months and stop whining about the unvaccinated.
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Seatbelts is the best analogy I've heard. Wearing one doesn't guarantee you will not get injured, it just helps a lot. Vaccines, particularly covid ones, are sometimes getting beaten by Delta and whatever variant is on the horizon but they are a lot better than not wearing the seat belt. Here is just one credible source. (ps. NO to vaccine mandates. It is possible to be OK with the vaccine and against mandates.)

So your saying OTHER things in the modern car aren't necessary ? Like air bags, collasping
steering wheels, the lowering of BAC to .08 nationally for DWI ?

So it HAS to be the vaccine ? Not other drugs or changes of life styles ? ?
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Once again context matters, it appears there are about 1600 personnel on the ship. So 100 infected personnel would be less than 10% of the crew. Also, all cases are mild. If anything, it proves the vaccine works if the case count doesn't increase.
Even if the case count increases, it proves the vaccine works. "All cases are mild". It's a shame we live in a hyper-partisan era where there has clearly been political and monetary incentives to push narratives one way or another. Other countries haven't had that issue. People need to start looking at the vaccine as something other than a vaccine and consider it more of a pre-emptive therapeutic.
One thing with the seatbelt analogy is this:
Do I have a 99.5% chance of surviving a car accident without wearing a seatbelt? What if I’m immune to injuries caused by a car accident?
Car accidents vary greatly in severity and a fender bender poses zero risk of injury. Covid infections vary greatly in severity and for the vast majority, pose practically zero risk of hospitalization or death.
I'm not sure we disagree. Covid is a weird pandemic. 94% of the deaths are people 50 years and above and 77% are 65 and above. Occasionally a younger person gets really sick but not at a pandemic level. I'm still mystified that our govt wants to force vaccinations on younger people but that is where we are. Gotta protect the vulnerable and 96% of those over 65 have gotten at least one shot. People with pre-existing conditions should get the shot and I assume they have. But forcing people to quit their jobs so Biden can try to act like he is doing something other than surrendering to the Taliban, ruining the economy, letting AOC run his agenda, etc is too much. But his son does create some "great" art.
LOL! This is coming from the guy who says a trip to the emergency room, but not requiring admittance, is a success story for the vax.

So, in a fully vaccinated environment, ~6-7 percent of the young and fit crew (plus a few career types) got sick from a disease for which they had been vaccinated. That is horrible.
I didn’t see where anyone got “sick”. Just says mild symptoms. 93-94% is actually really good (double the effectiveness of some years of flu vaccine) and much better than what they’re seeing in real world scenarios. It probably has to do with the younger population on board the ship.

I’m not for mandates in the general public, but situations like this (1600 people stuck in close quarters that we can’t afford to get sick) are a good application of the vaccine. Not a good example for the point you’re trying to get across.
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Even if the case count increases, it proves the vaccine works. "All cases are mild". It's a shame we live in a hyper-partisan era where there has clearly been political and monetary incentives to push narratives one way or another. Other countries haven't had that issue. People need to start looking at the vaccine as something other than a vaccine and consider it more of a pre-emptive therapeutic.
This is what has pissed me off the most about the entire pandemic. The politicizing of therapeutics and mitigation measures by the media and self serving politicians (and Fauci) has made this thing much worse that it needed to be. We’re going to pay for it for a long time.
This is what has pissed me off the most about the entire pandemic. The politicizing of therapeutics and mitigation measures by the media and self serving politicians (and Fauci) has made this thing much worse that it needed to be. We’re going to pay for it for a long time.
Fauci is a lot like many people in academia that I know…their important concern is their own legacy….critical thinking has been thrown out the window due to politicization from both sides of this.
One thing with the seatbelt analogy is this:
Do I have a 99.5% chance of surviving a car accident without wearing a seatbelt? What if I’m immune to injuries caused by a car accident?
Car accidents vary greatly in severity and a fender bender poses zero risk of injury. Covid infections vary greatly in severity and for the vast majority, pose practically zero risk of hospitalization or death.
Your question contains the answer. The fender benders are not the problem. You wear that seatbelt for that catastrophic accident when you get T-boned, or roll the car. You don't know if they will occur. Same with Covid, you don't take the vaccine because of a mild reaction, you take it for a mortal one that you don't know if it will occur.
There is nothing to explain to us. Now, you, you need it explained.

Here goes another failed attempt to drill through granite.

A ship of 1600 young and healthy fighting men and women was vaccinated against a disease at a rate of 100 percent. Yet, this disease infected and sickened triple digits on the ship. It's kind of like a bullet proof vest designed to stop certain bullets working 15 times out of 16. That is a bit like playing BIden (Russian) Roulette.

Further, this disease not only gets the protected, the protected are able to transmit it to the protected. What a great controlled experiment. So, the vaccine either works a little bit, not at all, or makes people more susceptible to getting COVID.

Conclusion: Your NAZI ways of forcibly injecting all Americans wouldn't stop crap. This beautiful controlled experiment is proof of that. So, go get your boosters every 3-6 months and stop whining about the unvaccinated.
With the vaccine only 100 mild cases out of 1,600 people. Without the vaccine there could be hundreds infected and many serious cases, and some deaths. A complete success. You are grasping for straws to show that vaccination is bad.
Why the agenda? You believe that helps Trump, or your party, or what?
This is what has pissed me off the most about the entire pandemic. The politicizing of therapeutics and mitigation measures by the media and self serving politicians (and Fauci) has made this thing much worse that it needed to be. We’re going to pay for it for a long time.

What continues to make me wonder is the virus origin in Wuhan in a lab with about the bacterial protection level of a typical US dental office (Level Two).

Knowing the nature of the CCP government, the racial thoughts of the Han, the long length of national shame of loss of "face" in China as a result of The Opium Wars where the entire Chinese nation lost face; if this isn't a revenge of that loss of "face" ?

Remember this is a country where approx 10 % STARVED to death in the late 40's early 50's and we think they think like ourselves ?
With the vaccine only 100 mild cases out of 1,600 people. Without the vaccine there could be hundreds infected and many serious cases, and some deaths. A complete success. You are grasping for straws to show that vaccination is bad.
Why the agenda? You believe that helps Trump, or your party, or what?

There is No ''Data" that says the case loads would have led to mass hospitalizations and/or deaths in the age group of active duty service people.
There is No ''Data" that says the case loads would have led to mass hospitalizations and/or deaths in the age group of active duty service people.
The data is in the hands of the Royal Navy and U.S. Navy they had Covid, pre-variant, pre-vaccine, infect ship loads of sailors. They only have to compare infection rates and severity. We are just guessing, but they know.
you don't take the vaccine because of a mild reaction, you take it for a mortal one that you don't know if it will occur
I understand what you’re saying. My personal position is that I’m 99.5% certain that I won’t have a “mortal one”. The numbers of death are so astronomically small that I don’t even think twice about covid. After 2 unmasked years and close proximity to thousands of people, I feel I have absolutely nothing to worry about.
As far as mandates, that’s insane. People know if they’re in the “at-risk” groups and are largely getting the vax voluntarily. The government wants to force people like me to get vaxxed and that’s always going to be a problem.
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Your question contains the answer. The fender benders are not the problem. You wear that seatbelt for that catastrophic accident when you get T-boned, or roll the car. You don't know if they will occur. Same with Covid, you don't take the vaccine because of a mild reaction, you take it for a mortal one that you don't know if it will occur.
It is scary but I actually agree with you on something. Unfortunately, our govt has made this mandatory. Voluntary yes, forced vaccinations, NO.
I didn’t see where anyone got “sick”. Just says mild symptoms. 93-94% is actually really good (double the effectiveness of some years of flu vaccine) and much better than what they’re seeing in real world scenarios. It probably has to do with the younger population on board the ship.

I’m not for mandates in the general public, but situations like this (1600 people stuck in close quarters that we can’t afford to get sick) are a good application of the vaccine. Not a good example for the point you’re trying to get across.

I think it is a great example for my point. That is, the vaccine does not stop one from getting COVID and it does not stop one from giving COVID.

It is accepted as fact that for at least a little while it dampens the symptoms. In a group of young, fit people, the survival rate is around 99.9 percent.

The bottom line point is 100 percent vaccination rates do NOT stop COVID from spreading. Biden will never get to 100 percent and even if he does, COVID will still be rampant in the population.
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With the vaccine only 100 mild cases out of 1,600 people. Without the vaccine there could be hundreds infected and many serious cases, and some deaths. A complete success. You are grasping for straws to show that vaccination is bad.
Why the agenda? You believe that helps Trump, or your party, or what?
You are a fool. COVID isn't killing any of these young, fit military people. 99.9 percent survivable. Now, if Cuomo started an outbreak in a seniors' home, it would kill many of the fully vaccinated seniors as proven by Secretary Powell.

With a 100% implemented vaccine to stop a disease on an island (the aircraft carrier), only 100 people got the disease they were vaccinated against! Yes, it works awesome!! They were all confirmed to be healthy when they started their trip, but somehow COVID penetrated the population of fully vaccinated. Your definition of success is pretty wonder you love brain-dead Joe!
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Fauci is a lot like many people in academia that I know…their important concern is their own legacy….critical thinking has been thrown out the window due to politicization from both sides of this.

This reminds me of Kathy Hochul's comments re: Colin Powell's death. "Someone who wasn't vaccinated gave him the virus." Uh Karen, I mean Kathy, Powell was fully vaxxed. Clearly fully vaxxed are capable of getting and transmitting C19. What an idiot
Butt butt butt were they all 2 weeks post 2nd vaxx ??? 🙄

That I do not know. Perhaps Admiral Cuomo thought it was a nursing home?

Without celebrating, it spread fairly well in a closed group of vaccinated people. Did everyone get it? No. But, I’ve been around a lot of Covid people and have never tested positive for Covid or felt sick. I did test positive for A/B.

The one guy in my group who was most afraid and cautious about Covid somehow never got it when the other 5 all had it at some stage. Pretty amazing.
Do you think fauci lied?
about what? I don't understand the drive to make Fauci a bad guy. Just like I don't understand the need to push the narrative that the vaccine doesn't help or is actually causing more infection than if we went to herd mentality. What or whom do you think that helps?
Do you think fauci lied?

about what? I don't understand the drive to make Fauci a bad guy. Just like I don't understand the need to push the narrative that the vaccine doesn't help or is actually causing more infection than if we went to herd mentality. What or whom do you think that helps?
Why didn’t you answer his question? @cmore79 is talking about gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. C’mon man... you know damn well what he’s talking about.
about what? I don't understand the drive to make Fauci a bad guy. Just like I don't understand the need to push the narrative that the vaccine doesn't help or is actually causing more infection than if we went to herd mentality. What or whom do you think that helps?
You know what my question is in reference to. Did fauci lie under oath, in your opinion?
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What a pathetic line of tweets. From idiot Rand Paul, to "no one could have expected they would fly planes into buildings" Rice to the other nit wits. Biden to blame for every Afghan crime. No wait, Biden to blame for not getting all Afghans out. Which is it cmore?
I’d prefer he kept the rapists over there. Wouldn’t you?

Isn’t it exhausting to have to read about every single thing wrong with this country being blamed on one man?
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Why didn’t you answer his question? @cmore79 is talking about gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. C’mon man... you know damn well what he’s talking about.
I don't know and I don't care. It is a meaningless issue that your side believes means a whole lot and you don't even understand what is meant by the concept.
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I’d prefer he kept the rapists over there. Wouldn’t you?

Isn’t it exhausting to have to read about every single thing wrong with this country being blamed on one man?
No it is tiring to read all these posts transferring crap from social media. If I wanted to read the bone heads posting on social media like they actually have insights or know something, I would go there to read that crap. You guys sure like looking for sm trash. How about the melodramatics "so it begins". Get a life.

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