Was at a Memphis Touchdown Dinner last night for "Alabama Night". TE & ST Coach Joe Pannunzio was the speaker (he was hilarious).
But he talked about the "Analysts" that they have on staff at AL. They look at EVERYTHING possible on their opponents, recruits, venues, etc. One paid "Analyst" is responsible for researching the Refs before each game. Home, personality, family (or none), games he has ref'ed and what calls he made. They look at legal history, etc., etc. All of it is to get tendencies- evaluate what kind of guy he is, probe what this Ref tends to call so they can be aware. More importantly, they're interested in what that particular Ref might NOT call so they can push the envelope on those situations.
He was dead serious.
But he talked about the "Analysts" that they have on staff at AL. They look at EVERYTHING possible on their opponents, recruits, venues, etc. One paid "Analyst" is responsible for researching the Refs before each game. Home, personality, family (or none), games he has ref'ed and what calls he made. They look at legal history, etc., etc. All of it is to get tendencies- evaluate what kind of guy he is, probe what this Ref tends to call so they can be aware. More importantly, they're interested in what that particular Ref might NOT call so they can push the envelope on those situations.
He was dead serious.