Forget it….

But he charges the Secret Service double for rooms and accommodations. He made millions pulling that grift first term. Plus did you ever see the personnel and equipment involved in a Presidential motorcade, even to a golf course?
I assume you have proof of this counselor?
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Everyone is aware of it , four year old news , except you apparently.

Can’t be true, the federal govt is frugal with travel budget.

Editors note - I know it’s true. Just like I know the fed govt is not frugal with anything.
Everyone is aware of it , four year old news , except you apparently.
You and Rill need to read the NPR article a little more closely.

Trump Hotels charge more to the regular public than SS. It is more than the government typically allows agents, but less than the standard rates at these very expensive hotels. So, he is "grifting" discounted rates. Smart analysis Stoned, as usual.
You and Rill need to read the NPR article a little more closely.

Trump Hotels charge more to the regular public than SS. It is more than the government typically allows agents, but less than the standard rates at these very expensive hotels. So, he is "grifting" discounted rates. Smart analysis Stoned, as usual.

Sure, but he stays at a property that is 5x the acceptable govt rate, according to the article.

I doubt any President is staying in a $200/night hotel, so I don’t think the approved rate matters.

Regardless, none of this is frugal. Probably the funniest comment on this topic.
You and Rill need to read the NPR article a little more closely.

Trump Hotels charge more to the regular public than SS. It is more than the government typically allows agents, but less than the standard rates at these very expensive hotels. So, he is "grifting" discounted rates. Smart analysis Stoned, as usual.
I noticed that that's another item that the lawfare state of Biden left alone, so I think there's probably a little more to it. I'd guess that for reasons of proximity to the protectee, the protection details probably stayed in the most exclusive areas of the hotel, rather than the sort of everyday room we might book through at a token discount or something, or that a USSS agent would book for something like attending a meeting or conference. They had to try to fabricate novel charges against Trump over the last few years, so again I find it improbable that anything with real meat was left on the table. It isn't the greatest look for someone on a mission to lower government spending, admittedly. But I don't think Trump padded his pockets at the taxpayer's expense a whole lot during his first term.
You and Rill need to read the NPR article a little more closely.

Trump Hotels charge more to the regular public than SS. It is more than the government typically allows agents, but less than the standard rates at these very expensive hotels. So, he is "grifting" discounted rates. Smart analysis Stoned, as usual.
Instead of instinctively covering for your Cult leader, put a little effort into researching the subject. He also charged marked up rates at Doral, his other properties and anywhere he had security posted. That is OK you don't have to apologize.
I noticed that that's another item that the lawfare state of Biden left alone, so I think there's probably a little more to it. I'd guess that for reasons of proximity to the protectee, the protection details probably stayed in the most exclusive areas of the hotel, rather than the sort of everyday room we might book through at a token discount or something, or that a USSS agent would book for something like attending a meeting or conference. They had to try to fabricate novel charges against Trump over the last few years, so again I find it improbable that anything with real meat was left on the table. It isn't the greatest look for someone on a mission to lower government spending, admittedly. But I don't think Trump padded his pockets at the taxpayer's expense a whole lot during his first term.
The cult is strong in you!
You and Rill need to read the NPR article a little more closely.

Trump Hotels charge more to the regular public than SS. It is more than the government typically allows agents, but less than the standard rates at these very expensive hotels. So, he is "grifting" discounted rates. Smart analysis Stoned, as usual.

I noticed that that's another item that the lawfare state of Biden left alone, so I think there's probably a little more to it. I'd guess that for reasons of proximity to the protectee, the protection details probably stayed in the most exclusive areas of the hotel, rather than the sort of everyday room we might book through at a token discount or something, or that a USSS agent would book for something like attending a meeting or conference. They had to try to fabricate novel charges against Trump over the last few years, so again I find it improbable that anything with real meat was left on the table. It isn't the greatest look for someone on a mission to lower government spending, admittedly. But I don't think Trump padded his pockets at the taxpayer's expense a whole lot during his first term.
Since you like to spin the facts to protect your leader, take on this one. The pending lease Trump had for the Trump Hotel should have been rescinded once he was elected President, as no US employee is allowed to lease US Property. General Services Administration allowed the lease to continue even though their boss won the election. He used that hotel to grift payments from foreign governments while in office.
Surely, Jeff is outraged that impotent, woman hating, fellow Democrat Mark Kelly is wasting money on a pricey visit to Ukraine. Of course not, Jeff doesn’t have KDS.

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It isn't true. He didn't overcharge based upon the property value they stayed at. The charges were excessive based upon the govenment standards of of what SS is allowed to pay for hotel/overnights. Stone's claim was he "charged double" the going rate, as if Trump was up to something nefarious. That is a false narrative. I've been to Mar-a-Lago. Have you? Please find me a hotel that is cheap and close enough to the President that it makes sense for the SS to stay there instead of on Trump property. It's a barrier island with a 2 lane main drag. If an emergency happens good luck to the service members staying in Palm Beach to make it there in a timely manner. Of course it's expensive. The rich do and pay for chit commoners don't.

If the government stays at my house, I am charging them appropriately for the food they eat, the supplies they use and the use of electricity, room rental for equipment space. I have a maid come in a clean up. They are getting the bill for that, too. I'm not thrilled about for the excessive costs of constantly going places on the weekends and he could stay in DC more, but no one bothered about it with any other President this century. With Bush 43 it was strictly about being on vacation constantly, which of course he wasn't. It isn't a good look from the standpoint he's trying to save the People's money, and yet every time he goes somewhere, he costs more than the normal Presidential chuds like Bush, Obama and the brain dead puppet Jeff voted for whose signature was just a stamp.

Trump isn't going to stay at the Hotel 6. He's a f'ing billionaire. I also bet he costs more to protect because he is under more threat than other Presidents, thanks to the Democrats non-stop incendiary comments. He isn't going to stop leaving DC regularly, but I do think he should consider lowering the charges well below market value to meet the government standard. He can always claim the difference on his income tax return.

edit: I see that he does charge less to the government already, but I will stick with it isn't a great look and I think he could do a little more there.
Instead of instinctively covering for your Cult leader, put a little effort into researching the subject. He also charged marked up rates at Doral, his other properties and anywhere he had security posted. That is OK you don't have to apologize.
I need to apologize that you could not find anything to back up your assertion with the exception of an article that cites them charging less than the standard rate?

You posted:

"But he charges the Secret Service double for rooms and accommodations"

From the NPR article:

in 2020 — that rooms were provided "at cost" to the Secret Service.

"[We] could make far more money renting them to members or guests," Eric Trump said at the time.

If the anti-Trump NPR could have proved anything close to your assertion, they would have gladly published it.

As usual, you are posting misinformation.

I want to apologize to the board for Stonedax misinformation.

There, I apologized!
Last edited:
The cult is strong in you!

I need to apologize that you could not find anything to back up your assertion with the exception of an article that cites them charging less than the standard rate?

You posted:

"But he charges the Secret Service double for rooms and accommodations"

From the NPR article:

in 2020 — that rooms were provided "at cost" to the Secret Service.

"[We] could make far more money renting them to members or guests," Eric Trump said at the time.

If the anti-Trump NPR could have proved anything close to your assertion, they would have gladly published it.

As usual, you are posting misinformation.

I want to apologize to the board for Stonedax misinformation.

There, I apologized!
It's okay. At least we've had a double mention of "cult" already so I know the world has not come to an end. ;)
Since you like to spin the facts to protect your leader, take on this one. The pending lease Trump had for the Trump Hotel should have been rescinded once he was elected President, as no US employee is allowed to lease US Property. General Services Administration allowed the lease to continue even though their boss won the election. He used that hotel to grift payments from foreign governments while in office.
None of Trump, the Trump family, nor the US gov't owns the Trump hotel in DC, if that's the one you're referring to. Or maybe you're referring to his first term? If GSA approved it during his first term (I dunno if that's true or not), your beef should be with them. Maybe DOGE should pay that agency a visit.

Trump is the president of the US, of which I'm a citizen, so in sense of the US constitution he's the nation's executive leader, but that's the extent of it to me personally. I think you're misidentifying both who the fetishists are round here, and in which direction that fetish leans.


Trump overcharged Secret Service to stay at his hotel during presidency, House Democrats say​

By Scott MacFarlane
October 18, 2024 / 11:30 AM EDT / CBS News

Washington — In a report released Friday morning, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee allege that newly obtained records show then-President Donald Trump overcharged the U.S. Secret Service for rooms at his former hotel in Washington, D.C., during his presidency.

The committee Democrats accuse Trump of deliberately charging the Secret Service "exorbitant rates," far above what other similar rooms cost, when agents stayed at the hotel as the protective detail for Trump family members.

In a 58-page investigative report, the committee Democrats argue, "The Secret Service charges associated with Eric Trump's stays at just the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., demonstrate clearly that former President Trump's D.C. hotel treated stays by Trump family members as the ultimate government ATM withdrawal opportunity."

Hotel billing records from the Trump D.C. hotel, which closed in May 2022 and reopened under new ownership as the Waldorf-Astoria, were obtained by the committee after legal challenges against Mazars USA, which was Trump's accounting firm.

The committee Democrats said the records include billing information from only 12 months of room rentals at the Trump Hotel, from September 2017 through August 2018. The report said the records show Secret Service paid more expensive prices — with taxpayer funding — than customers who reserved similar rooms on the same nights.
Citing room rentals from Nov. 28, 2017, the report alleged, "The room records produced to the Committee by Mazars show that, on that night, among the rooms the Secret Service rented, several were charged at the $600 rate. Notably, that very night, the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., rented out more than 80 rooms at rates less than $600 per room, including a dozen rooms rented to the Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co., Ltd. — which is headquartered in China — for $338.85 each."

The report also said the Trump Hotel rooms reserved for Secret Service on Feb. 22, 2018, were more than four times more expensive than a government per diem rate. The report said the prices represented "an astounding markup of more than 450% of the per diem rate."

"The room records provided by Mazars show that, among the rooms the Secret Service rented, two rooms were charged at $895 each," the report said. "The room records also show that former President Trump's D.C. hotel rented out more than 100 rooms that evening at rates of less than $895—including at least one room rented out for just $150."

Congressional Democrats have argued Trump unlawfully and improperly sought personal wealth and income by charging taxpayers for federal government services and hotel rooms at his privately owned properties. The report alleges, "By accepting the payments that he imposed on the Secret Service, former President Trump violated the Constitution's Domestic Emoluments Clause — which provides that a president may not receive any payments from the federal government other than a salary."
Do you realize you are complementing Trump? Never before have we discussed federal government staff reductions.

I know they have probationary clocks ticking, so time is of the essence. Government always grows - you should be happy - but derangement does not allow it.
Slick Willie FIRED 400,000 Federal Employees !

Stoneaxe says RDS is a horrible governor. Whatever he says, believe the opposite.

If you want a magazine to do your thinking for you. I don't

Cities with the highest number of move-outs, ranked​

  • 1. Los Angeles
  • 2. Bay Area
  • 3. South Florida
  • 4. Long Island
  • 5. Austin, TX
  • 6. Central NJ
  • 7. Chicago
  • 8. San Diego
  • 9. Stockton-Modesto, CA
  • 10. Hudson Valley, NY
Another opinion for you!!

CNBC Top States for Business

These are America’s best states for quality of life in 2024​

9. (tie) New York​

9. (tie) New Hampshire​

9. (tie) Massachusetts​

9. (tie) Connecticut​

8. California​

7. Hawaii​

6. Oregon​

5. Washington​

4. Minnesota​

3. New Jersey​

2. Maine​

1. Vermont​

Someone ASKED, so here you are about Secret Service protection levels.

There are teams called Advance teams; Here are a few levels of protection or lack of it with the SS.
1. I personally know one member of the African Continent Advance Team ! He LIVED in Africa and he and the team would co-ordinate future visits to ANYWHERE in Africa, He spent several years on that team, his Wife finally threatened a divorce to have him retire from SS.
2. USA Advance Team. I personally was assigned for the PRIOR ADVANCE and the actual date for Obumma Wife, both kids and her Parent's visit to NYC. My security company had the Empire State Building as it's client. Security at every entrance to the building, drug AND explosive sniffing dogs, metal detecting for public to take the elevators to the viewing decks, etc. 3 months in ADVANCE we met with SS, NYSP, NYPD, FBI, and Executives/Me of our Security Company.
3. Day of Event Security. We doubled our employees (After background checks of everyone) ! Uniformed SS armed with automatic weapons, attack dogs, civilian SS detail, NYSP AND NYPD swat teams and snipers , armed Delta Force with surgical team, that RAN up the steps following the elevators ! ( She didn't like seeing them in elevators next to her ! Which is why they ran up the steps !) That was just at the ESB building, so "they" could sightsee ! The actual reason was just to see a Broadway Play !
4. President to stay at unsecured home for a visit. Slick Willie was visiting the Estate of Craig Norman on Jupiter Island. The SS approached his next door neighbors to have permission to have SS stay overnight ! All good Republicans so they refused !
Willie was using the trip to "meet" Monica. She was being flown down on another plane ! Norman had a HUGE sports fishing boat called "Aussie Rules", Willy was going to meet and greet Monica. Willy slipped and hurt his ankle. He was flown back to DC and Monica as well, they missed each other ?
5. USNA graduation in 2009. Obumma's turn to present Diplomas at Navy and shake hands with 1,000 +/- Grads. ( POTUS rotate the Service Acads). There was a long (OVER 50) caravan of cars, trucks, SUV's and various Ambulances (Including a complete Surgical Unit) arriving at the closed end of Navy-Marine Corps Stadium. We thought he was there ! Then 3 of those green USMC Presidential choppers flew in ! We never knew how he got there !

That enough ? I have more ! The SS spare NO expense, usually, but have a horrible record of protecting POTUS back to Lincoln !
  • Haha
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Another opinion for you!!

CNBC Top States for Business

These are America’s best states for quality of life in 2024​

9. (tie) New York​

9. (tie) New Hampshire​

9. (tie) Massachusetts​

9. (tie) Connecticut​

8. California​

7. Hawaii​

6. Oregon​

5. Washington​

4. Minnesota​

3. New Jersey​

2. Maine​

1. Vermont​

A meaningless list without a detailed description of "quality of life". Oh, and the only state missing from that list of top-10 progressive states is Illinois.
A meaningless list without a detailed description of "quality of life". Oh, and the only state missing from that list of top-10 progressive states is Illinois.
Tennessee has a very high quality of life factor. It's rated the highest wrt when people move there, they stay there.
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Trump overcharged Secret Service to stay at his hotel during presidency, House Democrats say​

By Scott MacFarlane
October 18, 2024 / 11:30 AM EDT / CBS News

Washington — In a report released Friday morning, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee allege that newly obtained records show then-President Donald Trump overcharged the U.S. Secret Service for rooms at his former hotel in Washington, D.C., during his presidency.

The committee Democrats accuse Trump of deliberately charging the Secret Service "exorbitant rates," far above what other similar rooms cost, when agents stayed at the hotel as the protective detail for Trump family members.

In a 58-page investigative report, the committee Democrats argue, "The Secret Service charges associated with Eric Trump's stays at just the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., demonstrate clearly that former President Trump's D.C. hotel treated stays by Trump family members as the ultimate government ATM withdrawal opportunity."

Hotel billing records from the Trump D.C. hotel, which closed in May 2022 and reopened under new ownership as the Waldorf-Astoria, were obtained by the committee after legal challenges against Mazars USA, which was Trump's accounting firm.

The committee Democrats said the records include billing information from only 12 months of room rentals at the Trump Hotel, from September 2017 through August 2018. The report said the records show Secret Service paid more expensive prices — with taxpayer funding — than customers who reserved similar rooms on the same nights.
Citing room rentals from Nov. 28, 2017, the report alleged, "The room records produced to the Committee by Mazars show that, on that night, among the rooms the Secret Service rented, several were charged at the $600 rate. Notably, that very night, the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., rented out more than 80 rooms at rates less than $600 per room, including a dozen rooms rented to the Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co., Ltd. — which is headquartered in China — for $338.85 each."

The report also said the Trump Hotel rooms reserved for Secret Service on Feb. 22, 2018, were more than four times more expensive than a government per diem rate. The report said the prices represented "an astounding markup of more than 450% of the per diem rate."

"The room records provided by Mazars show that, among the rooms the Secret Service rented, two rooms were charged at $895 each," the report said. "The room records also show that former President Trump's D.C. hotel rented out more than 100 rooms that evening at rates of less than $895—including at least one room rented out for just $150."

Congressional Democrats have argued Trump unlawfully and improperly sought personal wealth and income by charging taxpayers for federal government services and hotel rooms at his privately owned properties. The report alleges, "By accepting the payments that he imposed on the Secret Service, former President Trump violated the Constitution's Domestic Emoluments Clause — which provides that a president may not receive any payments from the federal government other than a salary."
Maybe there is some truth, but I prefer the receipts, not just "Trump overcharged because the Dems in the house say so"
600 -895 for a really nice hotel in DC seems normal. Did the other company have a Corp rate? Were the rooms really comparable? Did the $150 room get a discount for a problem? I might need a little more proof than they say so from the group that cried Russia, Russia, Russia for 3 years.
If you want a magazine to do your thinking for you. I don't

Cities with the highest number of move-outs, ranked​

  • 1. Los Angeles
  • 2. Bay Area
  • 3. South Florida
  • 4. Long Island
  • 5. Austin, TX
  • 6. Central NJ
  • 7. Chicago
  • 8. San Diego
  • 9. Stockton-Modesto, CA
  • 10. Hudson Valley, NY
Let me know what that has to do with economy. Florida is gaining population. Also more importantly, RDS the Governor, not the mayor. Also, let me know when "South Florida" is a city.
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If there is a recession, the primary cause will be the prolonged period of inflation.

No one knows yet what the net effect of the policy changes will be, including the Fed chairman who commented on it last week.

IMO, the coming tax cuts and deregulation will offset any negative impact of tariffs and the economy will be fine.

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