Current events

Tragic is putting it lightly. Criminal is the word which came to mind for me.

UCLA study claims 42% of transgender adults have attempted suicide.
My pastor is doing a series on this. In his research, he found the most reputable study in terms of length of time and participants showed transitioned people are 20x more likely to commit suicide. over the next couple of decades.

It is sad to watch the left cheer this on and encourage more young people under this umbrella.
The real question is why are the people that believe man made CO2 has more than a marginal effect on climate not pushing it? Btw, I think it’s far from a proven fact that anthropogenic CO2 has any significant effect on temperature
The overwhelming majority of the people pushing man-made climate change are doing it for nefarious reasons, such as ending free speech and having select billionaires decide everything for the serfs. Farming is bad. Cow farts are bad. Eating real meat is bad. Meanwhile, the green technologies suck as a mass energy generator. Too fragile and in fact damaging to the environment.

Where are all the radical enviro-terrorists now? They should be pissed the wind farms in the oceans are unfriendly to sea life, let alone toxic when they fall into the ocean. They kill a lot of birds on land, too. Solar takes up way too much space to be effective and hale storms ruin panels creating an environmentally unfriendly trash dump well before the end of lifespan of 50 years. Again, conservation is key. Stick with Hydro. Add nuclear back in. Much more efficient and more environmentally friendly. I do appreciate the clearer skies and less smog thanks to factories being required to have less harmful elements coming from their stacks and frankly the cleaner emissions on automobiles have been better for large cities, too.

We can do all we want here, but ultimately China and India will get their freak on and eventually have to do the same as us. There is no reason to put Americans and American workers at a disadvantage just to be green. What happened to Arbor Day? Don't trees take in CO2 and turn it into O? Why is the Left denying science on a regular basis?
The overwhelming majority of the people pushing man-made climate change are doing it for nefarious reasons, such as ending free speech and having select billionaires decide everything for the serfs. Farming is bad. Cow farts are bad. Eating real meat is bad. Meanwhile, the green technologies suck as a mass energy generator. Too fragile and in fact damaging to the environment.

Where are all the radical enviro-terrorists now? They should be pissed the wind farms in the oceans are unfriendly to sea life, let alone toxic when they fall into the ocean. They kill a lot of birds on land, too. Solar takes up way too much space to be effective and hale storms ruin panels creating an environmentally unfriendly trash dump well before the end of lifespan of 50 years. Again, conservation is key. Stick with Hydro. Add nuclear back in. Much more efficient and more environmentally friendly. I do appreciate the clearer skies and less smog thanks to factories being required to have less harmful elements coming from their stacks and frankly the cleaner emissions on automobiles have been better for large cities, too.

We can do all we want here, but ultimately China and India will get their freak on and eventually have to do the same as us. There is no reason to put Americans and American workers at a disadvantage just to be green. What happened to Arbor Day? Don't trees take in CO2 and turn it into O? Why is the Left denying science on a regular basis?
Go look at the ice core data . Then see what the relationship between global temperature and CO2 is.
And one of the safest types of industrial facility. Modern safety standards make another Chernobyl virtually impossible.

I have some experience (COO) in the buying energy on the Grid for distribution to customers and one of my BIL's being CFO of an electric company that operated nuke plants.

There are 3 major issues with using Nuke Plants. 1. Length of time to get necessary permits. 2. Length of construction time. 3. Operating costs and fears. The fourth is removal and storage of spend rods.

Modern safety standards, like site location, quality of construction, and safe operation, should be administered on a World Wide basis by a UN type organization ! Communist run countries are too WOK to have and maintain safety.
Believe what you want and I will do the same.
NASA has had photo satellites in the air around the entire World for decades !
What has the photographic evidence shown !
1. BOTH Polar ice caps have INCREASED in World land mass. Temps are Not melting ice.
2. Green trees forests, have also increased in World land mass. Trees eat CO2 and give off Oxygen !

Believe facts, that is fine !
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It's not our fault that facts are on our side. We had one of your ilk leave because we just didn't believe the crime data...the crime data that got revised by the Feds, because what they had posted originally was wrong and violent crime had not went down. It actually went up. When can we expect that poster to show up and apologize? You claim Republicans moved further to the right than Democrats moved to the left based upon Pew research. You've been shown evidence to the contrary by more than one person, but you keep repeating this falsehood anyway.

For that crime poster to send me a bottle of Single Malt Scotch, which I sent to him when I was wrong and he was right !

I can regift it for X-Mas coming up, since I no longer use alcoholic drinks. But Scotch always tasted like Iodine to me !
Again, I believe you stated you were in the accounting field or studied accounting. Could you lay out a good argument that shows the actual extra money allocated by the Biden/ Harris administration to climate change and what those dollars bought us in actual climate data help? In other words, maybe for every 1 million spent we lowered carbon emissions X. I am not sure that is the the goal of their spending, but I am open to a well reasoned argument backed with facts.

The floor is yours sir!
Many years ago now, the school I lived at was 1,500 acres. The US Forest Service used to provide us with thousands of trees to plant, about 6 inches high. This was in the mid 1950's.

I revisited the location which is no longer a school, but an assisted living site. I could see those huge swaths of open land that is now forests !

Plant a Billion trees a year in the USA !
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Again, I believe you stated you were in the accounting field or studied accounting. Could you lay out a good argument that shows the actual extra money allocated by the Biden/ Harris administration to climate change and what those dollars bought us in actual climate data help? In other words, maybe for every 1 million spent we lowered carbon emissions X. I am not sure that is the the goal of their spending, but I am open to a well reasoned argument backed with facts.

The floor is yours sir!
Gee Jeff, another “conspiracy” theory that came true. Shocking. At this time 4 years ago Pfizer decided to wait two weeks until AFTER the election to announce their Covid vaccine which you so proudly took and then approved of 20,000 service members being kicked out for refusal to take this experimental vax.

And why on Earth has liberal Democrat Tulsi become a Republican when according to Jeff the Democrat party hasn’t changed much?

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