Current events

4 years later and the scientific community has no consensus. Why should I be concerned about that, there are Venezuelans to obsess over.

The only people who haven’t come to the conclusion it came from the lab, are people who are trying to distance themselves from any future investigations. It came from the lab, anyone with an ounce of curiosity knows that is true.
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I was talking about cognitive impairment issues. But now that you brought it up, why won't he release medical as EVERY other candidate has thru time? We know he has had a heart stent in place that he hasn't disclosed.
OVER 10 years ago, Mary Anne had TWO stents inserted, she is fine !
Yes the criminals imported from Venezuela ARE here in New York City, Denver, Chicago Tulsa, Miami as I and others have been telling you for months.

IF we worry about the safety of Americans, I call that caring, not obsession.

The left freaked out over mean tweets and harsh words for 4 years. A South American prison gang actually committing crime all over the country? Please stop focusing on that. Talking about all of their crime is way more dangerous than the crime they are committing!
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IIRC, the message quickly became masks help to prevent spread more than keeping the wearer safe. I was working in the office in 2020 and nobody was wearing masks.
I read pretty early on that the social distancing of 6ft was a made up number.
The info on the vaccine was constantly evolving. The truth is that with the spread of the Omicron variant, Covid really became not much of a problem.
1,000,000 million, people killed from Covid assigned by the State and Federal authorities in the USA.
7,000,000 million world wide.

100,000 + a year from Fentanyl.
30,000 MV deaths a year from DWI. This is AFTER MADD had the BAC level reduced to .08 country wide.

Seems like an issue, but that's just me.

Since the mid 1990s, most candidates have released their medical records. We all know that if Trump was the picture of health he would have released his records and bragged about them. It is much more important since Trump is so old. Clearly, he is hiding something.
Clearly. He's 78 and overweight. Vance will be a fine replacement should something happen.
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Where is your support? Or are you just talking like Trump.
As an accountant, I would assume you could read that article and quickly figure out there is relatively zero "assumptions" to build a proforma. For example, did they charge his fictional S&P pile for living expenses for a billionaire flying around in a jumbo jet? Living expenses for decades? Divorces? Go ahead and post the spread sheet that charges those line items to not just his actual pile, but his pretend S&P pile. If every year we are deducting real expenses, does that pile compound as estimated? We are also estimating his current pile as it doesn't appear to have an actual real number. What was the exact value of his portion of his father's estate?
I have no idea what his net worth is, but I am sure he is not given any benefit of the doubt in this charade.

I mean this is a fun exercise for the easily duped, Trump haters, but cmon. This just isn't grounded in many real specifics that it would take to make this determination.

Kind reminds me of your fun take after watching the Jan 6 circus on HBO 🤣
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