Current events

Ah, Stonedax received his info from edited videos from the KamalaHQ. His camp lies to him a lot 🤣. Oh, the irony

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Chris Christie? LOL. He had one goal on stage as a primary candidate and that was to induce Trump hate. His evaluation isn’t credible. If Christie wants to do some good, he could have a sumo match with Pritzker to make money for hurricane victims.
Deflect. He worked closely with Trump.
Not confused at all Jeff. I have no issue with my neighbors putting up a UM flag beneath an American flag. God Bless them for flying the colors.

It's downright hilarious how much this triggers your weak brain much like it triggers liberals in general. The guy is just projecting light to guard his house against the illegals your team has brought into the country. Self-defense Jeff. Boy, you must be great at parties.
The difference between you and me is this:
  • I don't believe either a Harris or a Trump presidency will destroy the country.
  • I don’t believe the Democrats are trying to destroy the country.
  • I don’t believe MAGA is in favor of a fascist state.
  • I believe most conspiracy theories are crap started by very fearful people looking to make sense of the world.
  • Anecdotal evidence is no evidence at all. Posting social media posts about mysterious deaths is a waste of time. I could post stories of covid deaths of healthy people and it would prove nothing. We need a Congressional Covid Commission instead of all this social media nonsense.
  • I don’t get in an emotional uproar over a dubious social media post.
The reason I will never vote for Trump is that he is only motivated by ego and self interest. I don’t believe he even understands the concept of public service. The fact thar Trump did not want the Fed to cut interest rates until after the election because he was concerned that it would be a positive for the economy tells me all I need to know.

Hopefully as you get older, you will learn to view the world with nuance instead of in such black and white terms.
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The difference between you and me is this:
  • I don't believe either a Harris or a Trump presidency will destroy the country.
  • I don’t believe the Democrats are trying to destroy the country.
  • I don’t believe MAGA is in favor of a fascist state.
  • I believe most conspiracy theories are crap started by very fearful people looking to make sense of the world.
  • Anecdotal evidence is no evidence at all. Posting social media posts about mysterious deaths is a waste of time. I could post stories of covid deaths of healthy people and it would prove nothing. We need a Congressional Covid Commission instead of all this social media nonsense.
  • I don’t get in an emotional uproar over a dubious social media post.
Hopefully as you get older, you will learn to view the world with nuance instead of in such black and white terms.

The difference between you and me is massive:
  1. My eyes are fully open, you just need to enjoy your golden years and then have zero stake in the USA post-Jeff. That is why this destruction means little to you.
  2. A Biden presidency is destroying the USA and the world - wars all over (Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Iran, North Korea, Taiwan is surrounded). 20 millions illegals does destroy the fabric of the USA. A Harris presidency (let's be honest - Obama's 4th term) will finish off the USA.
  3. Most conspiracy theories have come true.
  4. You were dumb enough to believe the COVID fear and even got boosted! Then you got COVID and yet another conspiracy theory was proven true. Even YOU were able to realize that you needed no more boosters despite your advanced age!
  5. Anecdotal evidence is all the state-controlled media allows. Overseas data is dismissed - Uncoach just posted a study of 1.7 MILLION kids that showed ALL of the heart damaged KIDS had been vaccinated. Exactly ZERO unvaxxed kids had damaged hearts. WE DO AGREE that a COVID commission is required. Instead of our corrupt Congress leading it, RFK Jr. among others should lead it.
  6. You are a very emotional person Jeff as evidenced by your raw and pure hatred for Donald Trump - the target of 2 deep state assassination attempts. Why else would you go against your 'conservative' values and support the party that created this mess.
Hate to break it to you Jeff, but you aren't that much older than me. You just seem to have been beaten down by life mentally and physically. Open your eyes, the Deep State (Rs, Ds, media, and tech titans) is working against Trump in every way possible. That is why Trump has deep support among the people who make this country work - the ones who know the system is arrayed against them. You are a status quo guy with no children. You are content with what they have allowed you to have and don't want the system to change - no matter the consequences to the Republic.
You are a very emotional person Jeff as evidenced by your raw and pure hatred for Donald Trump - the target of 2 deep state assassination attempts.
Get the tin foil out. Another difference, you believe in every nutty conspiracy theory you have run across.

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