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Jul 25, 2001
Nice to see them taken down.

Took me over an hour yesterday to catch up. Beautiful days up here W of WP, could have spent more time on the floats in the pool !

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To think, @dtrain79 wamts all these people to kill themselves.

I guess with the Train silencing himself it is a bit of a preview of things to come if his girl Kamala is elected - in that case she will silence anyone who disagrees with her just like England is doing.

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What a stupid tweet. You can't take one month of data and annualize it. There is a great deal of seasonality to the government's revenues and expenses.
The trend is clear Jeff and its ugly. What’s worse is you are rooting for 4 more years of this win your support for Kamala. Yeah, we know, you just want Trump to lose. And that means you want Kammy to win.
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The trend is clear Jeff and its ugly. What’s worse is you are rooting for 4 more years of this win your support for Kamala. Yeah, we know, you just want Trump to lose. And that means you want Kammy to win.
Trump is not a financial hawk. His platform makes no mention of a smaller government or reducing the deficit. Regarding this particular issue, both candidates want to spend, spend, spend!
Trump is not a financial hawk. His platform makes no mention of a smaller government or reducing the deficit. Regarding this particular issue, both candidates want to spend, spend, spend!
You can believe what you want. I believe Trump will do a better job of shrinking government and stimulating business.

Seeing as how Kamala has reversed a lot of her positions over the last 3.5 years, I don't know what to believe. I do know she hasn't owned responsibility for the border or inflation. That screams she doesn't know what caused those problems. I can deduce more of the same there.

I am guessing she will let the Trump tax cuts expire in 25 if in office. She also will raise corporate taxes and add other taxes which will slow the economy even more and send wealthy money back overseas. The stock market will be a rough ride under her administration.
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Trump is not a financial hawk. His platform makes no mention of a smaller government or reducing the deficit. Regarding this particular issue, both candidates want to spend, spend, spend!
Trump wants to bring Musk on board to study bureaucratic bloat. Musk cut X staff by 75 percent and it works great.

Has your girl Kammy even mentioned addressing government spending?

As I said, you have no kids and no stake in the future of the USA as a result. That is why you find it so easy to sit this election out yet again. No R vote for president for at least 16 years for a real Republican. It is so lazy to equate both parties as spend, spend, spend - although uncontrolled the Rs in Congress whom you support are dreadful.
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Trump wants to bring Musk on board to study bureaucratic bloat. Musk cut X staff by 75 percent and it works great.

Has your girl Kammy even mentioned addressing government spending?

As I said, you have no kids and no stake in the future of the USA as a result. That is why you find it so easy to sit this election out yet again. No R vote for president for at least 16 years for a real Republican. It is so lazy to equate both parties as spend, spend, spend - although uncontrolled the Rs in Congress whom you support are dreadful.
Musk has a non-union work force so he can make any kind of cuts he wants. In addition, I am not sure how great the cuts are working. Tesla has terrible build quality.
In any event, federal employees are unionized so you are limited in the actions you can take.
I know you would love to ignore Trump's platform because it will require a great deal of spending to implement.
It is laughable that you think Musk will be the answer.
You can believe what you want. I believe Trump will do a better job of shrinking government and stimulating business.
I am basing my beliefs on Trump's platform which is on his website. There is no mention of shrinking government. Trump continued to add to the deficit and increase the federal workforce during his presidency.

Your beliefs are based on a hope and a prayer and little else.
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It is fake. Get a sense of humor. The stories like this will be out soon enough.
The fact that I thought it might be fake tweet that was legitimate disinformation is a reflection of the absolute garbage that people tweet out these days. I would not be surprised if many MAGA supporters are believing it is real.
TJ just recently posted a legitimate tweet regarding covid that was ludicrous and a distortion of reality.

Stories like this will not be coming soon. Most stories that are coming out now are refuting the claim that Haitians eat
Trump had Republican majorities for the first two years of his presidency and made no proposals to cut the budget deficit.
In fact, the Trump tax cuts increased the national debt.

Talk to your member of Congress. Trump's budget proposals included massive spending cuts that Congress did not approve. His executive actions regarding spending added almost nothing to the debt on net.

Almost all of the deficit spending came from bi-partisan legislation. The 2021 budget proposal from the administration alone included a plan for $4.6 trillion in deficit reduction, albeit over a long period of time. $40B in spending cuts for FY 2021.

Of the partisan actions from the Trump years, the tax cuts did impact the debt by $1.9 trillion over ten years, but were somewhat offset by new and increased tariffs.

You could also make a good argument that the tax cuts spurred economic growth and put money in people's pockets, which is pretty important. All income brackets benefited from the cuts. Around 15% for the middle class.

Covid spending is what burst the bubble.

All of them spend like drunken sailors.
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I am basing my beliefs on Trump's platform which is on his website. [SIZE=4]There is no mention of shrinking government[/SIZE]. Trump continued to add to the deficit and increase the federal workforce during his presidency.

Your beliefs are based on a hope and a prayer and little else.
1. Republicans Will Stop Woke and Weaponized Government
We will hold accountable those who have misused the power of Government to unjustly prosecute their Political Opponents. We will declassify Government records, root out wrongdoers, and fire corrupt employees.

9. Return Education to the States
The United States spends more money per pupil on Education than any other Country in the World, and yet we are at the bottom of every educational list in terms of results. We are going to close the Department of Education in Washington, D.C. and send it back to the States, where it belongs, and let the States run our educational system as it should be run. Our Great Teachers, who are so important to the future wellbeing of our Country, will be cherished and protected by the Republican Party so that they can do the job of educating our students that they so dearly want to do. It is our goal to bring Education in the United States to the highest level, one that it has never attained before!

6. Knowledge and Skills, Not CRT and Gender Indoctrination
Republicans will ensure children are taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda. We will defund schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using Federal Taxpayer Dollars.

1. Great Principals and Great Teachers
Republicans will support schools that focus on Excellence and Parental Rights. We will support ending Teacher Tenure, adopting Merit pay, and allowing various publicly supported Educational models.

Our Commitment:
The Republican Party will reverse the worst Inflation crisis in four decades that has crushed the middle class, devastated family budgets, and pushed the dream of homeownership out of reach for millions. We will defeat Inflation, tackle the cost- of-living crisis, improve fiscal sanity, restore price stability, and quickly bring down prices.
Inflation is a crushing tax on American families. History shows that Inflation will not magically disappear while policies remain the same. We commit to unleashing American Energy, reining in wasteful spending, cutting excessive Regulations, securing our Borders, and restoring Peace through Strength. Together, we will restore Prosperity, ensure Economic Security, and build a brighter future for American Workers and their families. Our dedication to these Policies will make America stronger, more resilient, and more prosperous than ever before.
1. Unleash American Energy
Under President Trump, the U.S. became the Number One Producer of Oil and Natural Gas in the World — and we will soon be again by lifting restrictions on American Energy Production and terminating the Socialist Green New Deal. Republicans will unleash Energy Production from all sources, including nuclear, to immediately slash Inflation and power American homes, cars, and factories with reliable, abundant, and affordable Energy.
2. Rein in Wasteful Federal Spending
Republicans will immediately stabilize the Economy by slashing wasteful Government spending and promoting Economic Growth.
1. Republicans Will Stop Woke and Weaponized Government
We will hold accountable those who have misused the power of Government to unjustly prosecute their Political Opponents. We will declassify Government records, root out wrongdoers, and fire corrupt employees.

9. Return Education to the States
The United States spends more money per pupil on Education than any other Country in the World, and yet we are at the bottom of every educational list in terms of results. We are going to close the Department of Education in Washington, D.C. and send it back to the States, where it belongs, and let the States run our educational system as it should be run. Our Great Teachers, who are so important to the future wellbeing of our Country, will be cherished and protected by the Republican Party so that they can do the job of educating our students that they so dearly want to do. It is our goal to bring Education in the United States to the highest level, one that it has never attained before!

6. Knowledge and Skills, Not CRT and Gender Indoctrination
Republicans will ensure children are taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda. We will defund schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using Federal Taxpayer Dollars.

1. Great Principals and Great Teachers
Republicans will support schools that focus on Excellence and Parental Rights. We will support ending Teacher Tenure, adopting Merit pay, and allowing various publicly supported Educational models.

Our Commitment:
The Republican Party will reverse the worst Inflation crisis in four decades that has crushed the middle class, devastated family budgets, and pushed the dream of homeownership out of reach for millions. We will defeat Inflation, tackle the cost- of-living crisis, improve fiscal sanity, restore price stability, and quickly bring down prices.
Inflation is a crushing tax on American families. History shows that Inflation will not magically disappear while policies remain the same. We commit to unleashing American Energy, reining in wasteful spending,
2. Rein in Wasteful Federal Spending
Republicans will immediately stabilize the Economy by slashing wasteful Government spending and promoting Economic Growth.
Let's see:

Fire corrupt employees. Budget neutral.
Close Department of Education. Dept has a budget of about of 225 billion and 70% of the budget is financial aid. Budget is not that big and will eliminate aid for college students. Great Plan!
Defund schools that engage in Political Indoctrination. Really would not impact the budget.
Support ending Tenure. No budget impact.
Improve fiscal sanity. No plan or details. Meaningless Words.
End wasteful spending. Words that have been used since the beginning of time. Most of the waste is in headcount which would very difficult to reduce with the union.

Bottom line: Trump could eliminate about 225 billion with elimination of Dept of Ed. However, most of that reduction will come from eliminating financial aid. Trump would never do that, it would be very unpopular and Trump wants to be liked. Trump's tax cuts would add much more to the deficit than his proposed savings.

Again, Trump was not able to reduce the deficit or the size of the government during his term (excluding COVID spending).
Why would you believe it will happen this time?
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Musk has a non-union work force so he can make any kind of cuts he wants. In addition, I am not sure how great the cuts are working. Tesla has terrible build quality.
In any event, federal employees are unionized so you are limited in the actions you can take.
I know you would love to ignore Trump's platform because it will require a great deal of spending to implement.
It is laughable that you think Musk will be the answer.
I spoke specifically about X, not Tesla. I have no vested interest in Tesla and you of all people should know that since I have mocked your stance on GW and purchase of an eco-friendly electric car/hybrid.

There are ways to get rid of union people. Freeze hiring, make it mandatory to work in the office, sell office space, etc.

Yeah, I like Trump’s platform, it is far superior to Kamala’s platform that she copied from Joe. As I said, you are totally deranged and focused on that which you hate even though his values are closer to your values.

Laugh all you like about Musk, the richest man on the planet who came from a modest home. I’m sure you like your greatest bud DTrain will attribute his success to an unfair start.

I sure as hell prefer Musk as an advisor as opposed to Nobel winning Paul Krugman.
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The fact that I thought it might be fake tweet that was legitimate disinformation is a reflection of the absolute garbage that people tweet out these days. I would not be surprised if many MAGA supporters are believing it is real.
TJ just recently posted a legitimate tweet regarding covid that was ludicrous and a distortion of reality.

Stories like this will not be coming soon. Most stories that are coming out now are refuting the claim that Haitians eat
Have you gotten your Covid Booster yet Jeff? If not, why not? The US government says you should get it as does your girl Kammy and Fauci.
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Let's see:

Fire corrupt employees. Budget neutral.
Close Department of Education. Dept has a budget of about of 225 billion and 70% of the budget is financial aid. Budget is not that big and will eliminate aid for college students. Great Plan!
Defund schools that engage in Political Indoctrination. Really would not impact the budget.
Support ending Tenure. No budget impact.
Improve fiscal sanity. No plan or details. Meaningless Words.
End wasteful spending. Words that have been used since the beginning of time. Most of the waste is in headcount which would very difficult to reduce with the union.

Bottom line: Trump could eliminate about 225 billion with elimination of Dept of Ed. However, most of that reduction will come from eliminating financial aid. Trump would never do that, it would be very unpopular and Trump wants to be liked. Trump's tax cuts would add much more to the deficit than his proposed savings.

Again, Trump was not able to reduce the deficit or the size of the government during his term (excluding COVID spending).
Why would you believe it will happen this time?
Changing your argument.
Jeff: "I am basing my beliefs on Trump's platform which is on his website. There is no mention of shrinking government"
I post from his website: We are going to close the Department of Education in Washington, D.C.

This is very Stonedax of you.
Changing your argument.
Jeff: "I am basing my beliefs on Trump's platform which is on his website. There is no mention of shrinking government"
I post from his website: We are going to close the Department of Education in Washington, D.C.

This is very Stonedax of you.
The closing of the Dept of Education will not offset the tax cuts. Net = Increased Deficit.
This does not include keeping SS and Medicare intact, modernize cities and increased defense spending.

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