"Many areas in Florida’s Big Bend experienced water rises during Hurricane Idalia in 2023 and the 1993 Superstorm, but none were as significant as Thursday's event."Stop making stuff up. Highest storm surges in recent Florida hurricanes:
Milton -- Sarasota 8 ft
Helen -- Cedar Key 9 ft.
Ian -- Fort Myers Beach 15 ft. (some reports that it was 18 ft)
"Forecasters may never know the exact height of the storm surge southeast of Tallahassee due to the absence of observation sites, but pre-hurricane expectations called for a rise of 15-20 feet."
"Ian thrashed parts of Florida’s western coast, bringing intense winds, heavy rainfall, and catastrophic storm surges. A storm surge with inundation of an unprecedented 12 to 18 feet above ground level was reported along the southwestern Florida coast, and the city of Fort Myers itself was hit particularly hard with a 7.26 foot surge—a record high."
That took me 2 minutes. I was here, I heard 20-30 for Ian. I saw the boats on front porches, i heard how the boats were floated over phone lines. I saw the miles and miles of homes destroyed. Still a lot of mansions vacant and many had to be knocked down due to water damage. Still vacant lots. The one that hit the Big Bend region was even more.. What have you seen as a result of the hurricanes? Or maybe there is a big difference to you between 18 and 20 foot storm surge.
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