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Holy shit you are awful.

I mentioned my business because you continuously make classless comments about retail pharmacy, which I have nothing to do with. If you had any clue what I did, you’d understand why I don’t need employees and I don’t own a shop, but don’t let that stop you from looking stupid. Here’s an idea, shut your ****ing mouth about what others do for a living.

The long and varied life you’ve fabricated for us is full of bluster and bullshit. If you do it this much here, I can only imagine what you are like in real life. I don’t owe you any specific examples. Everything you say is bullshit. You’re known for it.
I just respond to you anger !

One thing, I say again, one thing. You owe me nothing, but I wish/hope to quell your anger issues and profanity.

I can help you !

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Apparently Big Will also believes that because Ukraine was once a part of Russia, it must always be so.

Let's reconstitute the USSR ... brilliant plan.

Interestingly big chunks of Ukraine were also once part of Poland. Maybe Russia and Poland should fight a new war to divide the place up, that usually works out.
It's not what I do or don't believe !

Big chunks of just about the entire land mass West of the Ural Mts were once someone else's property. That's why you study, not just copy from AI ! It's just factual history and not AI, which if you use google for your knowledge can be just GIGO or just woke prattle.

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Looks like Shapiro is the one avoiding the debate. I have always liked him but he (like the US house that does not want the subject debated by Americans) wants no part of it.
I find them BOTH, Ben & Candace to be extremely well educated on many topics !
Two that they show experience on that should interest others is their knowledge of being Jewish or Black in America !
They both are able to debate others with well thought points to the posed question, without profanity or screeching and not using "you know" as they make their points !

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Merely points to one Dictator fighting another Dictator, for "human rights".

I find war, especially this war, something that could have been avoided !

I find that you have no idea what you are talking about. Zelenskyy was elected, defeating an opponent much less favorable to Russia than Zelenskyy.

He just happened to be the President of Ukraine when Russia invaded.

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Kooks? I think you are just plain naive and have no desire to believe that intelligence agencies influence elections. The coup in Ukraine was supported by intelligence agencies. Why the hell is Victoria nuland discussing who to install into the new Ukrainian government ? Doesn’t sound democratic to me.

What coup in Ukraine? There's never been a coup. The President who resigned fled from the country because he ordered a protest to be put down to and like 15-20 people were killed (I assume plenty more wounded). He was going to be arrested after the killing of protestors; there was no military combat or conflict. The duly-elected Parliament voted 328-0 to remove him from office. Then another election was held, and the incumbent who was elected after Yanukovych left was defeated by Vladimir Zelenskyy.

These are pretty simply, basic facts. And they pretty obviously show that Ukraine is a functional democracy whose most recent election saw the candidate with more Russian-related ties and background win. The problem, of course, is that Ukraine was generally moving away from Russia for a bunch of reasons that make sense to anyone who understands democracies and free markets, because Russia embraces neither to the detriment of its people and economy.

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You should get off the right wing hothouse websites before you gift your DJT stock to some enterprising young grifter.

Bottom line, I realize you don’t really get a lot of things, but how hard is it to see that Ukrainians are dying so their country doesn’t become the western edge of Putin’s wannabe empire? They are fighting to keep their country. It’s funny how little respect the nationalist right has for people trying to preserve their freedom. You guys should move en masse to Russia and see how you like it … they don’t have much freedom there.

Again, it is almost insane that there are people who don’t understand why Ukrainians are willing to die in this war. Russians … harder to understand really, but lack of choice is good option there.
Re-bottom line:
Once again, I advise you to study the History in the region.
Especially when the Ukraine was part of Russia or the USSR if you prefer, pre WW 2 especially !

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Why are all libertarians kooks?

You guys understand that, of the final two candidates, Zelenskyy was clearly the more favorable to Russia, right? His biggest margins of victory were in the east of Ukraine, dominated by Russian speakers. Zelenskyy is a native Russian speaker too.
Kooks? I think you are just plain naive and have no desire to believe that intelligence agencies influence elections. The coup in Ukraine was supported by intelligence agencies. Why the hell is Victoria nuland discussing who to install into the new Ukrainian government ? Doesn’t sound democratic to me.

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History has shown us that during a war human rights can suffer. For example, the Japanese internment camps in the US during WW2. When a country is fighting for its life, human rights may not be the top priority. It is comical that you talk about human rights in Ukraine when they are fighting Russia a bastion for human rights.
Merely points to one Dictator fighting another Dictator, for "human rights".

I find war, especially this war, something that could have been avoided !

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I think we should have a debate on LITERALLY ANY SUBJECT between Shapiro and Owens. You literally have a person who is insanely smart and well informed versus a complete idiot who can barely comprehend what the day's far right talking points are.

Put this on every channel for weeks. Except for sports, I need my sports.
Looks like Shapiro is the one avoiding the debate. I have always liked him but he (like the US house that does not want the subject debated by Americans) wants no part of it.

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The most recent Rasmussen poll has Trump LEADING by 12-10 points !

You should read more.

If you think Rasmussen is anything but a wildly inaccurate pollster who conjures up phony results, then you are even more lost than I think. And my dude, where you are already is bad.

Is Trump leading the polling by a small amount? Yes he is. By whatever Rasmussen cooks up? Lololololol.
