Yesterday, Doug said its time for Josh Whitman to answer some tough questions. Since we know that in the 3 years Lovie has been here, he isnt 'required to answer questions from the media, let alone tough ones. What are the tough questions for Cerebral Josh and his minions at Bielfeldt? I've followed and supported illinois athletics for more than 45 years and I've never seen the combination of incompetence and arrogance from arguably the worst Power 5 program in the country. (Coin flip with Rutgers) Its as if they believe they have things rolling. What has lovie Smith done to deserve an extension? Furthermore, what has Josh Whitman done to bolster the revenue earning sports and generate interest in the extensive fan base. Any college sports fan considers Illinois teams as a laughingstock. Much more so since the arrival of Lovie and Whitman. Being in Maui confirmed this. Most national fans thought we replaced Chaminade as the sure win for opponents in Maui.