This affects us all

Oh Icky, it's been 6 days since this post. Did you buy any NVDA at $125? Had you bought some, you would already have a $11/share gain since it is now $136 / share. There are those of us in the game (me and Nancy), and those on the sidelines seeking a little bit of courage.

Nvidia - now the world's most valuable company and thanks to Dr. TJ, you knew about it years ago, yet did nothing. Totally expected.

I’m pretty gun shy on individual stocks but did pick up van eck semiconductor etf about 5 years ago that has done well. My friends seem to think that nvidia still has considerable room for growth.
I’m pretty gun shy on individual stocks but did pick up van eck semiconductor etf about 5 years ago that has done well. My friends seem to think that nvidia still has considerable room for growth.
I may also have Veneckk. My broker said NVDA has grown to be about 40 percent of that fund.
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Another Covid tale of woe.

Matt & Amanda were taking cruise with 2 youngest boys and about a dozen relatives.
No vaccine shots for the 2 boys (elementary grades), the cruise line refused them passage.

Everyone went to resort at the Dominican Republic. All stayed same resort. Half were scared of the 2 boys no vaccine Covid shots. So they used a different pool, dining room, etc.

Matt and his family NO issues ! Other sequestered family all came down with Hand, Hoof and Mouth Disease !

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Had Trump won and the deficit continued to rise at the same rate as his first 3 years (I don’t blame him for the covid year), we’d be in the exact same position.

America first.
No one knows what the deficit would have done. Besides , the point is we shouldn’t be knee deep in proxy wars and student debt cancellations that don’t help the matter
Had Trump won and the deficit continued to rise at the same rate as his first 3 years (I don’t blame him for the covid year), we’d be in the exact same position.

America first.
We wouldn’t be in the exact same position, but it would be close, because there aren’t many budget items that make a dent. What can be controlled is where the money goes and for what purpose. It seems you are happy the Biden Admin is forgiving school loan debts and violating a SCOTUS decision, which actually is authoritarian and unconstitutional. Congrats.
He will be on here soon telling us this is also Trumps fault
The anti-Trumpers aren’t very good at critical thinking at the moment. I can’t stand his personal behaviors, but his policies pre-covid were very good. I preferred a different candidate. That didn’t happen. Let’s be anti-Trump and get four more years of an invasive FBI/DOJ. Let’s get 4 more years of the far left pushing gender reassignments on to youth. I am throughly disgusted with “Republicans” who want 4 more years of doofus Federal judges being passed right through the Senate because well um Republicans are supposed to have decorum.
We wouldn’t be in the exact same position, but it would be close, because there aren’t many budget items that make a dent. What can be controlled is where the money goes and for what purpose. It seems you are happy the Biden Admin is forgiving school loan debts and violating a SCOTUS decision, which actually is authoritarian and unconstitutional. Congrats.
I didn’t comment at all about the proxy wars or the student loans. I commented on the deficit, which was growing at the exact same rate under Trump. Wasn’t that the main point of the tweet the poster shared?

You’re doing the exact same thing you’re accusing me of. I don’t support either candidate. Trump put money in the pockets of the ultra rich. Biden is funding proxy wars. Neither of them are “America first” in my opinion.
The anti-Trumpers aren’t very good at critical thinking at the moment.
See above. Just because I don’t think Trump is the answer, doesn’t mean I agree with Biden policies.
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I didn’t comment at all about the proxy wars or the student loans. I commented on the deficit, which was growing at the exact same rate under Trump. Wasn’t that the main point of the tweet the poster shared?

You’re doing the exact same thing you’re accusing me of. I don’t support either candidate. Trump put money in the pockets of the ultra rich. Biden is funding proxy wars. Neither of them are “America first” in my opinion.

See above. Just because I don’t think Trump is the answer, doesn’t mean I agree with Biden policies.
Of course the deficit would be less without funding proxy wars or bailing out deadbeats…and it’s a major stretch to assume the deficit would maintain the same trajectory .
This is lame as hell, but by all means continue to strawman. I never said it was Trumps fault. I said the deficit would be exactly the same if Trump continued. Numbers don’t lie.

Ironically, had Biden not funded the student loan forgiveness scheme, he would’ve slowed the rise in deficit more than Trump did.
dear lord…the mental gymnastics is strong here..
I said neither candidate is America first. Thanks.

Is allowing the greatest transfer of wealth in American history America first?
I think the guy that emphasizes border security is America first. The guy who had real wages growing, especially for those in lower income brackets is America first. The guy that pulled the US out of proxy Middle East conflicts is America first. Asking Europe to defend themselves is America first. Having a same energy policy is America first. You can revise history all you want but he had the country humming till Covid hit..
Again, numbers don’t lie my man. Cool thing about the deficit is it’s pretty easy to plot on a graph.
Extrapolating is mental gymnastics….its completely arbitrary that literally doesn’t take tons of variables into account. Besides, all those stimulus packages and shut down was absolute garbage (oh and the Democrats would have wanted way more of that)
I think the guy that emphasizes border security is America first. The guy who had real wages growing, especially for those in lower income brackets is America first. The guy that pulled the US out of proxy Middle East conflicts is America first. Asking Europe to defend themselves is America first. Having a same energy policy is America first. You can revise history all you want but he had the country humming till Covid hit..
I haven’t revised anything. I’ve cited the deficit under Trump. That’s it. You’re putting words in my mouth to fuel an argument I’m not even making.

You want me to post the national deficit bar graph? It’s pretty easy.
I haven’t revised anything. I’ve cited the deficit under Trump. That’s it. You’re putting words in my mouth to fuel an argument I’m not even making.

You want me to post the national deficit bar graph? It’s pretty easy.
“Continue to rise at the same rate” “plot on graph”= extrapolation. No one knows what the deficits would be . We DO KNOW that we wouldn’t be funding proxy wars and funding deadbeats for their student loans…tangible events under Biden that without question raised the deficit.
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I haven’t revised anything. I’ve cited the deficit under Trump. That’s it. You’re putting words in my mouth to fuel an argument I’m not even making.

You want me to post the national deficit bar graph? It’s pretty easy.
Is deliberately allowing foreign nationals to enter the country that rape and kill our children more or less America first?
Is deliberately allowing foreign nationals to enter the country that rape and kill our children more or less America first?

This argument is so stupid. Is selling out our country to the biggest (and dirtiest) corporations in the world when the country needed him most America first? That’s disqualifying to me and no amount of you painting me as a Biden supporter will change that.

Neither candidate is America first.

This argument is so stupid. Is selling out our country to the biggest (and dirtiest) corporations in the world when the country needed him most America first? That’s disqualifying to me and no amount of you painting me as a Biden supporter will change that.

Neither candidate is America first.
I don’t have a problem with you criticizing his handling of Covid but remember that it all would have been a lot worse with Democrats in charge as evidenced by their views on vaccines, shut downs and masks etc.
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I didn’t comment at all about the proxy wars or the student loans. I commented on the deficit, which was growing at the exact same rate under Trump. Wasn’t that the main point of the tweet the poster shared?

You’re doing the exact same thing you’re accusing me of. I don’t support either candidate. Trump put money in the pockets of the ultra rich. Biden is funding proxy wars. Neither of them are “America first” in my opinion.

See above. Just because I don’t think Trump is the answer, doesn’t mean I agree with Biden policies.
Trump put money in the pockets of everyone. The economy worked for everyone. How dishonest of an argument can one have when we know the unemployment figures for all the minorities were record lows? The Left kept accusing Trump of racism. If he was racist, he would have created policies that did exactly as you say and left out the little people. Come up with something better.