Today marks the first time I have posted on the football board in about a year. Basically, I just don't care anymore but I forced myself to watch the first half of today's game, be it with utter disdain.
Honestly, I never jumped on the Lovie bandwagon even though I thought he was a better than average NFL coach. I think Lovie is a good man and a good role model.
But there is a huge difference between coaching pros and coaching college kids. Main difference is that pro coaches have the players brought to them by management. They have input but NFL coaches are paid to coach first and foremost. College coaches, on the other hand, need to go get their players. This something Lovie never seemed to grasp. Recruiting is for young, energetic go-getters. Lovie is none of the above. (That's why that beard kills me. It sums up everything that's wrong with Lovie.)
This job begged for a young, ambitious man, somebody who would beat the bushes, fight like hell to get his foot in the door, especially in high schools in Illinois. From what I've seen, Lovie expected the players to come to him because he was the Great Lovie and built no bridges with high school coaches. Obviously this has failed.
Thus we find ourselves in yet another terrible situation. I have lost track of how many ex-football and ex-basketball coaches we are currently paying severance, but I know this much...Illinois football will suck as long as this man continues as coach. The time has come to replace Lovie with somebody who actually gives a shit.
Honestly, I never jumped on the Lovie bandwagon even though I thought he was a better than average NFL coach. I think Lovie is a good man and a good role model.
But there is a huge difference between coaching pros and coaching college kids. Main difference is that pro coaches have the players brought to them by management. They have input but NFL coaches are paid to coach first and foremost. College coaches, on the other hand, need to go get their players. This something Lovie never seemed to grasp. Recruiting is for young, energetic go-getters. Lovie is none of the above. (That's why that beard kills me. It sums up everything that's wrong with Lovie.)
This job begged for a young, ambitious man, somebody who would beat the bushes, fight like hell to get his foot in the door, especially in high schools in Illinois. From what I've seen, Lovie expected the players to come to him because he was the Great Lovie and built no bridges with high school coaches. Obviously this has failed.
Thus we find ourselves in yet another terrible situation. I have lost track of how many ex-football and ex-basketball coaches we are currently paying severance, but I know this much...Illinois football will suck as long as this man continues as coach. The time has come to replace Lovie with somebody who actually gives a shit.