If we could count the transfers of Thomas, Ford, Estes... (I know they don't count for 2019). . .where in your opinion would this class rank among the B1G this year overall, and star average?
Would it give us at least a middle-of-the-pack class in a light recruiting year? Better? Worse?
Or maybe a better question considering transfers coming and going, where would these players put us in comparison to other schools gaining/losing players in the offseason? Is Illinois the big transfer sweepstakes winner in the B1G this year assuming they all work out?
Would it give us at least a middle-of-the-pack class in a light recruiting year? Better? Worse?
Or maybe a better question considering transfers coming and going, where would these players put us in comparison to other schools gaining/losing players in the offseason? Is Illinois the big transfer sweepstakes winner in the B1G this year assuming they all work out?