Monthly subscribers: Get a $50 digital gift certificate code to Rivals Fan Shop if you upgrade to annual.
How to upgrade:
1. While signed in, click username at top right corner of team site front page
2. Then hit username again on dropdown
3. Enter password again (for security reasons)
4. Hit the “subscriptions” option on the navigation bar
5. Find the listed monthly subscription, and hit the “upgrade to annual” on the right side of the listed monthly subscription.
6. On the subscription page, enter the promotion code Rivals50 to upgrade.
How to upgrade:
1. While signed in, click username at top right corner of team site front page
2. Then hit username again on dropdown
3. Enter password again (for security reasons)
4. Hit the “subscriptions” option on the navigation bar
5. Find the listed monthly subscription, and hit the “upgrade to annual” on the right side of the listed monthly subscription.
6. On the subscription page, enter the promotion code Rivals50 to upgrade.