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Sure reeks of election interference
Maybe since this is a sports forum we can discuss how Taylor Swift announcing for the Trojan Horse candidate brought out the Swifties for Trump and her and Mahomes’ wife have to make nice in the sky box. Well she missed last game.
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I keep seeing articles about how unaffordable everything is, especially housing. Has anyone asked Kamala how raising taxes on everyone will make home ownership a more reachable dream? It seems like our media, and the GOP Presidential candidate, are incapable of asking very simple questions around issues that impact people outside of DC.
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Interesting memo last night...

There are two polls that indicate Donald Trump is much stronger than the corrupt corporate media would have you believe. Those two polls are Trafalgar and Rasmussen. Okay. We can't vouch for those people. I don't really know who's paying them or what they're doing with those two polls, and and the Trump people believe those poles. They say that Trump is a very good chance to win. The media polls, mainstream, like NBC have Harris ahead. In fact, NBC poll went out yesterday and it has party identification is fair. 42 Dem, 43 Republican, Independent 29. But listen to this gender, remember? I started waving this flag about ten days ago, you got to tell us the gender. Well, in the NBC poll. Female 52. Male 48. That's not fair. Because more women will vote for Kamala. She'll carry women, whereas Trump will carry men. So if you're going to skew it four that's going to show up in the final number. NBC knows that. Okay? They know it. See? You see how they do it?
Now, in the latest poll, it has Harris beating Trump 49/44. This is the NBC poll. Okay. The New York Times put out a very weird poll yesterday. Siena College conducted it for the newspaper, fair down the line, Democrat, 30 Republican, 33, Independent, 31. Fair. But here is the gender ready. Female 54. Male 45. Come on. Come on. That's a nine swing. Despite that nine points that favors Kamala, the three states The New York Times polled in Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina. Trump's winning all three. That should tell you something. Now, here they are. Arizona. Trump 50. Harris 45. Georgia. Trump 49. Harris 45. North Carolina. Trump 49. Harris 47. Very close. And it shouldn't be in North Carolina, but they have a gubernatorial candidate there who's a loon. All right. You know the story. I mean, you got allegedly I mean, I don't but I believe it's true. It goes on some websites, some crazy things about being a black Nazi or something. You know, you got to vet these guys. North Carolina Republican Party, right? Come on. Now. He's never going to win. This guy running for governor on a Republican ticket in North Carolina. So that means that Harris has an advantage in that state and she should. It's a traditional state. North Carolina. Yeah, I know. Charlotte and Durham and all those people are you know, they've got a lot of new people in. But North Carolina shouldn't be a problem for Trump. But it is. It's a problem. You're going to have to spend some time and money there. Okay. But the gender breakdown and I guarantee you of all the news outlets that you may sample this week, you will never hear that gender gap reported on any of them. Even the conservative networks because they're not smart enough to report it. They don't understand what's happening in the polling world.
Here’s a sibling mess. Pamela Carter is running as a Republican in AZ. Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter, her sister, endorsed her Democrat opponent. Fun times at Christmas this year. 🤣
Interesting memo last night...

There are two polls that indicate Donald Trump is much stronger than the corrupt corporate media would have you believe. Those two polls are Trafalgar and Rasmussen. Okay. We can't vouch for those people. I don't really know who's paying them or what they're doing with those two polls, and and the Trump people believe those poles. They say that Trump is a very good chance to win. The media polls, mainstream, like NBC have Harris ahead. In fact, NBC poll went out yesterday and it has party identification is fair. 42 Dem, 43 Republican, Independent 29. But listen to this gender, remember? I started waving this flag about ten days ago, you got to tell us the gender. Well, in the NBC poll. Female 52. Male 48. That's not fair. Because more women will vote for Kamala. She'll carry women, whereas Trump will carry men. So if you're going to skew it four that's going to show up in the final number. NBC knows that. Okay? They know it. See? You see how they do it?
Now, in the latest poll, it has Harris beating Trump 49/44. This is the NBC poll. Okay. The New York Times put out a very weird poll yesterday. Siena College conducted it for the newspaper, fair down the line, Democrat, 30 Republican, 33, Independent, 31. Fair. But here is the gender ready. Female 54. Male 45. Come on. Come on. That's a nine swing. Despite that nine points that favors Kamala, the three states The New York Times polled in Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina. Trump's winning all three. That should tell you something. Now, here they are. Arizona. Trump 50. Harris 45. Georgia. Trump 49. Harris 45. North Carolina. Trump 49. Harris 47. Very close. And it shouldn't be in North Carolina, but they have a gubernatorial candidate there who's a loon. All right. You know the story. I mean, you got allegedly I mean, I don't but I believe it's true. It goes on some websites, some crazy things about being a black Nazi or something. You know, you got to vet these guys. North Carolina Republican Party, right? Come on. Now. He's never going to win. This guy running for governor on a Republican ticket in North Carolina. So that means that Harris has an advantage in that state and she should. It's a traditional state. North Carolina. Yeah, I know. Charlotte and Durham and all those people are you know, they've got a lot of new people in. But North Carolina shouldn't be a problem for Trump. But it is. It's a problem. You're going to have to spend some time and money there. Okay. But the gender breakdown and I guarantee you of all the news outlets that you may sample this week, you will never hear that gender gap reported on any of them. Even the conservative networks because they're not smart enough to report it. They don't understand what's happening in the polling world.
This article goes along with what you are saying.

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I've got nothing to add. But, the FBI and DOJ putting a bounty on Trump's head of 150k is disturbing. The JFK assassination documents haven't been released 60 years later, but 2 weeks after the hit on Trump we have the manifesto? C'mon.

The other thing to note is the Bidens are big mad at Kamala and company. Is Jill out there helping? No chance. Joe? Joe supported Trump in his main appearance and the Teamsters mass migration to Trump from Biden was notable.
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I've got nothing to add. But, the FBI and DOJ putting a bounty on Trump's head of 150k is disturbing. The JFK assassination documents haven't been released 60 years later, but 2 weeks after the hit on Trump we have the manifesto? C'mon.

The other thing to note is the Bidens are big mad at Kamala and company. Is Jill out there helping? No chance. Joe? Joe supported Trump in his main appearance and the Teamsters mass migration to Trump from Biden was notable.
$150k bounty on Trump? That is a new one. What is the source?
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Interesting memo last night...

There are two polls that indicate Donald Trump is much stronger than the corrupt corporate media would have you believe. Those two polls are Trafalgar and Rasmussen. Okay. We can't vouch for those people. I don't really know who's paying them or what they're doing with those two polls, and and the Trump people believe those poles. They say that Trump is a very good chance to win. The media polls, mainstream, like NBC have Harris ahead. In fact, NBC poll went out yesterday and it has party identification is fair. 42 Dem, 43 Republican, Independent 29. But listen to this gender, remember? I started waving this flag about ten days ago, you got to tell us the gender. Well, in the NBC poll. Female 52. Male 48. That's not fair. Because more women will vote for Kamala. She'll carry women, whereas Trump will carry men. So if you're going to skew it four that's going to show up in the final number. NBC knows that. Okay? They know it. See? You see how they do it?
Now, in the latest poll, it has Harris beating Trump 49/44. This is the NBC poll. Okay. The New York Times put out a very weird poll yesterday. Siena College conducted it for the newspaper, fair down the line, Democrat, 30 Republican, 33, Independent, 31. Fair. But here is the gender ready. Female 54. Male 45. Come on. Come on. That's a nine swing. Despite that nine points that favors Kamala, the three states The New York Times polled in Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina. Trump's winning all three. That should tell you something. Now, here they are. Arizona. Trump 50. Harris 45. Georgia. Trump 49. Harris 45. North Carolina. Trump 49. Harris 47. Very close. And it shouldn't be in North Carolina, but they have a gubernatorial candidate there who's a loon. All right. You know the story. I mean, you got allegedly I mean, I don't but I believe it's true. It goes on some websites, some crazy things about being a black Nazi or something. You know, you got to vet these guys. North Carolina Republican Party, right? Come on. Now. He's never going to win. This guy running for governor on a Republican ticket in North Carolina. So that means that Harris has an advantage in that state and she should. It's a traditional state. North Carolina. Yeah, I know. Charlotte and Durham and all those people are you know, they've got a lot of new people in. But North Carolina shouldn't be a problem for Trump. But it is. It's a problem. You're going to have to spend some time and money there. Okay. But the gender breakdown and I guarantee you of all the news outlets that you may sample this week, you will never hear that gender gap reported on any of them. Even the conservative networks because they're not smart enough to report it. They don't understand what's happening in the polling world.
Trump has outperformed the polls in the last two elections. I have always felt it was because a certain percentage of voters do not want to admit they are voting for Trump.
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Trump has outperformed the polls in the last two elections. I have always felt it was because a certain percentage of voters do not want to admit they are voting for Trump.
This is correct. I’m not sure there are as many “secret” Trump voters in 2024. There could be, but it seems like more people are not afraid to say it.
$150k bounty on Trump? That is a new one. What is the source?
Supposedly was in the letter the gov't released that they purport was written by the second assassin. Although it's difficult to see how he could pay the bounty from jail, it's odd that a segment of the gov't that hides nearly everything, ignores subpoenas, etc, would freely release that so soon after the event in question. That of course spins up the conspiracy crowds, and might well be the intent.
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Supposedly was in the letter the gov't released that they purport was written by the second assassin. Although it's difficult to see how he could pay the bounty from jail, it's odd that a segment of the gov't that hides nearly everything, ignores subpoenas, etc, would freely release that so soon after the event in question. That of course spins up the conspiracy crowds, and might well be the intent.
Thanks! So the assassin wrote a letter offering a 150k to anyone who would kill Trump and the DOJ released the letter. The implication is that DOJ wants Trump dead because they released the letter.
I understand the logic even though I think it is quite flawed.
I've got nothing to add. But, the FBI and DOJ putting a bounty on Trump's head of 150k is disturbing. The JFK assassination documents haven't been released 60 years later, but 2 weeks after the hit on Trump we have the manifesto? C'mon.

The other thing to note is the Bidens are big mad at Kamala and company. Is Jill out there helping? No chance. Joe? Joe supported Trump in his main appearance and the Teamsters mass migration to Trump from Biden was notable.
If the Deep State wanted Trump dead, wouldn't Soros use his billions to hire some professional operatives to do the job?

Is seems very unlikely that having the DOJ release a letter written by a nut would be the way to get the job done. The hope would be that another nutjob would be motivated by the promise of 150k to do the job. Seems not to be a very efficient or effective way to get the job done.
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If the Deep State wanted Trump dead, wouldn't Soros use his billions to hire some professional operatives to do the job?

Is seems very unlikely that having the DOJ release a letter written by a nut would be the way to get the job done. The hope would be that another nutjob would be motivated by the promise of 150k to do the job. Seems not to be a very efficient or effective way to get the job done.
I see Soros as an opportunist to push his agenda using his wealth. He used to operate more in the shadows, but now they don't bother to hide it as his son's visits to the WH are in the log. Maybe his son feels more emboldened knowing the DOJ leaders are on his team?
$150k bounty on Trump? That is a new one. What is the source?
The assassin's manifesto is the source, Jeff. Why would the FBI/DOJ not redact that part?

The handwritten letter went on to say, “I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.

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If the Deep State wanted Trump dead, wouldn't Soros use his billions to hire some professional operatives to do the job?

Is seems very unlikely that having the DOJ release a letter written by a nut would be the way to get the job done. The hope would be that another nutjob would be motivated by the promise of 150k to do the job. Seems not to be a very efficient or effective way to get the job done.

Soros should be jailed. And in fact, old Alex did threaten 47. Why would the DOJ suddenly become transparent? Recall the movie with Keannu where they put a hit out on him. If you don't release the 150k offer, no one is aware of it and all of your fellow leftists (at least 28 percent) still pine for Trump's murder. When you do release it, the best case is the above (no change). The worst case is one of the many twisted liberals makes another attempt on Trump.

You are lost Jeff.

Soros should be jailed. And in fact, old Alex did threaten 47. Why would the DOJ suddenly become transparent? Recall the movie with Keannu where they put a hit out on him. If you don't release the 150k offer, no one is aware of it and all of your fellow leftists (at least 28 percent) still pine for Trump's murder. When you do release it, the best case is the above (no change). The worst case is one of the many twisted liberals makes another attempt on Trump.

You are lost Jeff.

Most liberals do not pine for his murder, they just want him to lose the election. Since Gerald Ford, all assassination attempts have been committed by people with severe mental health issues. Their motivation for the most part seems to be for fame not money.

I know the government has released other documents such as the Unabomber's manifesto. Is the solution not to release any such documents? People have committed copycat crimes based on the crimes themselves not on written documents. In fact, I can't think of one instance where someone committed an infamous crime based on a nobody criminal's written note.

Even in the world of conspiracy theories, this seems like a real stretch.
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Trump has outperformed the polls in the last two elections. I have always felt it was because a certain percentage of voters do not want to admit they are voting for Trump.

Nope. It's because pollsters have struggled to accurately estimate who the actual electorate is. Turnout has been a huge determining factor in the last several Presidential elections and the midterms and pollsters have misfired about 50% of the time.
Not only can Jeff, Stone, and the train imagine it, they are doing it!

Dumb tweet.

Big Pharma is not in favor of Harris policies and their stock prices generally take a hit when a Democrat becomes president.
Military Industrial Complex - Trump increased the defense budget at a higher rate than Biden. So I would think they would have a slight preference for Trump.
Clintons and Obamas are Democrats so what a shock they would support a Democrat in the election.
Hollywood and music industry have been heavily Democrat for decades.
Cheneys - Republicans who can't stand Trump.
Putin - his endorsement of Harris actually shows he favors Trump. Putin isn't stupid; he knows his endorsement would be seen as a negative in the US.

Really a dumb tweet.
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Dumb tweet.

Big Pharma is not in favor of Harris policies and their stock prices generally take a hit when a Democrat becomes president.
Military Industrial Complex - Trump increased the defense budget at a higher rate than Biden. So I would think they would have a slight preference for Trump.
Clintons and Obamas are Democrats so what a shock they would support a Democrat in the election.
Hollywood and music industry have been heavily Democrat for decades.
Cheneys - Republicans who can't stand Trump.
Putin - his endorsement of Harris actually shows he favors Trump. Putin isn't stupid; he knows his endorsement would be seen as a negative in the US.

Really a dumb tweet.

Defense contractors prefer endless wars over increased spending on quality of life for service members. Profit margins have surged.

The media will claim Ukraine aid is a small fraction of the DOD budget. That is false. Aid packages are a fraction, but a huge amount of money is being spent to replenish stockpiles of equipment and munitions being sent to Ukraine. The value of equipment sent to Ukraine is not part of the aid approved by Congress.

Contractors want the war to continue. They are using the opportunity to sell the DOD on replacing stockpiles of equipment that are going to Ukraine with new, more modern equipment.

Additionally, Congress authorized Ukraine to contract directly with U.S. industry, such as Lockheed Martin or RTX, for weapons procurement. Billions more in profits.

There is an absolutely massive influx of money into the U.S. defense industry. And there are people who will do unimaginable things to keep it flowing.

Big pharma political donations slightly favor Democrats. So far in the 2024 cycle, drug companies have given $4.89 million to Democrats and $4.35 million to Republicans.

Kamala Harris raked in the $ from big pharma when she was in the Senate. One of the top 10 members of Congress receiving money from drug companies.

Big pharma doesn’t really like either candidate for President. Both would retain Medicare price negotiations unless the pharmaceutical industry can come up with something more compelling.

I would say they would probably rather take their chances with Trump, since he was largely unsuccessful at getting drug cost reduction measures passed the last time he was in office. Harris is for government price controls.
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Most liberals do not pine for his murder, they just want him to lose the election. Since Gerald Ford, all assassination attempts have been committed by people with severe mental health issues. Their motivation for the most part seems to be for fame not money.
Todays political climate is vastly different then it was back then

When Democrats tell you “we” commit more crime than illegal immigrants, they might be telling on themselves. After all, they get their voting advice from the likes of the Clintons and Diddy.

How many child rapists have to cross the border before we admit it’s a problem?

Another major problem - how does someone with 8 counts of indecent assault and battery of a person under 14 get 5k bail? We are so soft on crime.
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Most liberals do not pine for his murder, they just want him to lose the election. Since Gerald Ford, all assassination attempts have been committed by people with severe mental health issues. Their motivation for the most part seems to be for fame not money.

I know the government has released other documents such as the Unabomber's manifesto. Is the solution not to release any such documents? People have committed copycat crimes based on the crimes themselves not on written documents. In fact, I can't think of one instance where someone committed an infamous crime based on a nobody criminal's written note.

Even in the world of conspiracy theories, this seems like a real stretch.
True only in the sense that 48 percent of Democrats is NOT "Most". 28 percent of Dems wish he had been killed - a stunning number. An additional 20 percent weren't sure, LOL. So, roughly half would be happy to see him killed. 51 percent of Democrats don't believe his security detail should be increased. It's a really sad reflection on you and your party.

Our government is not transparent at all. Yet, within 2 weeks of this guy trying to kill Trump - triggered by the hateful rhetoric of Democrats - they put out the bounty. Keep your head in the sand Jeff and continue to believe that our government is on your side. They need useful tools to keep it going.